Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:We shouldn't be at all surprised now that the Republican Party has so loudly and proudly come out, in unison, as a party that thinks rape and any kind of sexual assault is really no big deal. It's not like we didn't already know. Misogyny, like racism, and a love or authoritarianism, have been qualifications for joining the Republican Party for the last 50 years. The Brett Kavanaugh hearings presented an opportunity for republicans to demonstrate their inner rapist on the biggest public stage, and they have seized that opportunity with every molecule of evil that lies in the dark heart of any of them.Sure there are democrats that behave horridly when it comes to these things but, the Republican Party has, as with everything else, become the party of horrific extremism. They endorse such behavior daily. In Brett Kavanaugh, they seek to codify extreme misogyny.To Republicans, overturning Roe v. Wade isn't enough of an expression of their need to fear, control, and hate women. Last night (as I write this), Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that his party had hired "a female" who would serve as an "assistant" to ask the questions of Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford; the questions that the Republican men on the Senate Judiciary Committee were afraid to ask because they knew they couldn't hide their contempt for women for even five minutes.The woman the committee hired to question her is an attorney, woman of professional accomplishment in the field of sex crimes. She has a name, a name that McConnell couldn't even bring himself to speak. Her name is Rachel Mitchell. She has achievements. But, to McConnell she is just a "female" and she is no more than an "assistant", you know, like some lower level secretary, as if, in his fetid maggot-filled mind, earning a living by being a secretary isn't noble work. It's sad that, since several of the all male republican contingent on the Senate Judiciary Committee are experienced prosecutors themselves, who could have asked the same questions that Rachel Mitchell asked, it just showed that to Senate republicans, Attorney Rachel Mitchell really was just a cynically used prop.Republicans, led by their dear leader Trumpanzee, are demonstrating that, to them, actual physical abuse is even better than just abuse by policy, and they have chosen to celebrate that agenda in the person of Brett Kavanaugh. Alabama Judge Roy Moore wasn't enough. They had to take it to a bigger national stage. Once they rallied around a sicko creep like Donald Trump and continued to do so, even with the specter of high crimes, misdemeanors and treason hovering, anything became possible; as if it wasn't already when 62 Million supporters of this kind of thing eagerly went to the polls to vote their choice. What's next for Republicans? A continued devolution that ends in something akin to tribal human sacrifice of women into a pit of fire? All approved by their Republican Jesus as if he's a modern day island volcano god?Happy Sunday everyone.