Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahDear Not So Dear Brett Kavanaugh,If you are the accused and you refuse to take a lie detector test and refuse to call for the FBI to investigate the new developments in your situation, and your accusers ask that they themselves be investigated and given the test... you just might be a guilty asshole.If your supporters are playing hide the documents (evidence) and trying to ram you through the approval process before even more information comes out... you might just be a guilty asshole.If you need 65 or more character witnesses to persuade people that you are an OK guy... you just might be an asshole.If Mitch McConnell is one of your chief defenders and feels the need to stand before the country on national TV and dismiss the severity of the accusations against you and you encourage him to do so... then you are both assholes.If you belong to a political party that thinks sexual assault is just having a little fun... you are definitely an asshole.If you feel that you have to go on FOX "News" to propagandize your case, with "the good wife" by your side so you can continue to humiliate her by not even letting her answer questions... you are an asshole.If you were nominated by Señor Trumpanzee and he whines that you are being treated unfairly, you are definitely an asshole. In fact, by being one of Trump's best people, you were already an asshole by definition.If you take a seat on the Supreme Court and any more filth surfaces about you, you risk being impeached and removed from the court... because you are... an unbelievable asshole. If you are not impeached and removed... then we the people are assholes.