Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI woke up this morning to find that the above meme about republican attitudes toward rape had been removed from my personal facebook page. I guess someone at fb objected to people knowing this particular reality of what it means to be a republican in 2018. Not that I wasn't going to eventually use if as a Midnight Meme, but, I am retaliating right now by using the meme as a Midnight Meme in order to help give it a bigger platform than my fb page has. I'd love it if others did the same. Feel free to share away! Considering the Republican Party's disregard of the growing accusations against Brett Kvanaugh, there may never be a more appropriate time than today. As NIKE says: Just Do It!Given the attitude of most republicans towards issues of rape, it was inevitable that they would nominate and vote for a serial sexual predator who would in turn nominate a suspect character such as Brett Kavanaugh. The Repug Party's misogyny is not just about Roe v. Wade. It is a complete philosophy of dominance and gleeful misuse of power. It's also worth noting that democrats dumped Al Franken in a heartbeat for far less serious accusations. The difference in the Kavanaugh situation is that Republicans see nothing wrong with the accusations leveled at their guy. For them, it's a lifestyle choice which they obviously embrace.And here's a special bonus meme about Republican attitudes towards rape. I wouldn't want Mr. Donahue and his armada of raping priests to feel neglected in any way.UPDATE: Bill CosbyBill Cosby just got his sentence today: Jail for 3 to 10 years. He denied all of the accusations against him but the truth came out eventually. Imagine if Cosby's case went to a Supreme Court that included a Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the accusations now directed at Kavanaugh prove true? How would Kavanaugh vote? Would the usual inner Republican racist lead him to decide against Cosby, or, would his sex predator self rule in Cosby's favor? Meanwhile, the entire Republican Party, from Trump and McConnell down, smirk at us all.