Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahReports are that things are looking mighty bleak in Donnie's oval office these days, what with Robert Mueller's legal eagle swat team closing in. We've seen indications of what info Mueller may be gathering, but only Donnie knows everything. Only Donnie knows everything he's done.You just got too damn big, Donnie. I think you knew a storm was coming. That's why you looked so miserable at that luncheon on inauguration day. You never really expected you could win, even with the help of your Russian mob friends. You thought you could lose and just play the martyr for the rest of your days, claiming that "Crooked Hillary" and her "Deep State" rigged the election against you. Maybe you thought there was another book to be ghostwritten, or a cash cow TV network of your own, and, of course, more hats to sell. You thought it all would make you more popular than Jesus. Donnie, you were a big enough rat in New York City. You should have settled for that, but you bit off more than your dentures and your deteriorating psychopathic mind could chew. Sure, we knew some of your past. We'd seen enough of your antics and bigotry to know you weren't even close to being fit for the job of president; no matter how many conspiracy-mongering crazies like Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Laura Ingraham, Sean, and Rudy, and the rest claimed otherwise, with their worshipful tones. So, 62 million fools wanted a Scarface of their own. Con man that you are, you played them all for suckers. The first one's free. Now, they pay, and so will we all. The happy dust you offered is just that, dust. Even your little friend can't help you, but I bet Stormy Daniels already told you that.