Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThis much we do know about Repellent Judge Brett Kavanaugh:1. He will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade even though 64% of Americans want Roe v. Wade to stand as our settled law of the land.2. He was nominated by Comrade Trump specifically to help obstruct justice and help coverup Comrade Trump's apparent crimes.3. Number 2 above would place him securely in Putin's pocket and bring his own patriotism into question.4. He would vote to finish off what remains of the Affordable Care Act.5. He would vote to end environmental regulations that lessen pollutants in our air and carcinogens in our drinking water.6. We have seen enough to know that he stands against marriage equality.7. Obviously, being a far right republican, he would viciously support the wealthy at the expense of every other American.But, there are devils, major devils, to be found in the details. In the absence of those details, we will be forced to judge Brett Kavanaugh by the honor and credibility of the man who nominated him and those who support him. As I write this, the Kavanaugh hearings have begun and Kavanaugh is getting a maximum verbal blow job from senile Utah $enator Orrin Hatch, the man most famous for brandishing a worn paperback copy of "The Exorcist" in the face of Anita Hill at the Clarence Thomas hearings as she accused Thomas of sexual harassment. This is just one of his supporters in the $enate.Brett Kavanaugh is being rammed through the process without the traditional full vetting, The vetting of Brett Kavanaugh is only 10% complete. We don't even have the records of Kavanaugh's three years as White House Staff Secretary under President Bush because $enate republicans refuse to allow that record to be seen. What are republicans hiding about Brett Kavanaugh? What are they so afraid that we might find in the paper trail of Kavanaugh's career that would be normally provided? Brett Kavanaugh could call for the release of these hidden documents himself, but he doesn't. Sounds like a man much like Trump himself and that is why republicans are about to inflict him upon America.