Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSo Señor Trumpanzee has learned that when he searches google and other social media for "facts" that support his "achievements" and his far, far right conservative views, and even polls that show he is the "most popular president of all time, more popular than Lincoln" and loved by all, well, more often, much more often, the opposite information shows up. Trumpanzee finds that very bothersome and said so a few days ago. Damn if his computer doesn't reveal that reality has a liberal bias!Poor little Trumpanzee. He thinks google should be just like his rallies, Republicans in congress, and his BFF Vladimir Putin. He thinks google should be a feedback loop of positive reenforcement and cheering for his mayhem. He thinks the entire internet is "rigged" against him.It seems Doofus-in-Chief got his feelings crushed when, needing some of that positive reenforcement for all of the damage he is deliberately doing to America and the world, he sat down and started searching for his name and the alternative facts and delusions he believes in and those around him also believe in. You know, things like "global warming is a hoax" and the like. Betraying a complete lack of understanding about algorithms, he even thinks that google promotes President Obama's speeches over his. He's so deranged and paranoid that he probably thinks the word algorithm is a liberal plot against him because it says Al Gore.Can't you just see him sitting at his computer and looking for proof that LeBron James and Maxine Waters have lower IQs than, not only his but that of any white person? Can't you just see him reaching for the phone to call Tucker Carlson or David Duke to ask them where they get their information? And, why would he do this when he has a whole staff of white supremacists? Hell, Stephen Miller, the pride of Duke University, is just down the hall. I guess Stephen must have been out to lunch.Here's a thought, Donnie; next time you get the urge to google, why not avoid the frustration by following these three easy steps: 1) pull the computer power plug out of the outlet. 2) grab a metal fork. 3) While securely holding the fork, jam it into the outlet where the computer plug once was. You'll like Einstein in no time.