Midnight Meme Of The Day!

Two Funerals And A Weddingby NoahOf course, we already knew what Trump is. I can't imagine he was any different when he was 3 years old, if only because he's still basically a 3 year old. But, you have to go an extra mile or so when you are a president and people go out of their way to say you are not wanted at funerals and weddings. As tonight's meme says, Barbara Bush, Senator McCain, both of whom were republicans no less, and Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, all very vehemently made it clear that Comrade Trump was persona non grata. Not only that, but when Trump did inflict England with his obnoxious presence, Queen Elizabeth made a point of not extending a traditional dinner invitation. Private meeting with Putin, though? No problem.Meanwhile, Monday's farce of the White House flag going up and down in response to Sen. McCain's death was special. Maybe the White House should, in general, raise and lower the flag according to Trump's minute by minute mood swings and tantrums. It would be good to have a constant indicator of his insanity, whether or not his medications are working, etc. I can see a near future where republicans stand outside on Pennsylvania Avenue and cheer every time the flag moves up and down. They'd be captivated by that. As their dear leader's rallies indicate, it takes so little to amuse them. It would be hypnotic, too. They would like that!But, if you want to see a really big freak show, just wait until Trump himself kicks the bucket. Of course, he's probably already outlined plans for a five year plan of national mourning with parades, lots of parades, with dancing naked Miss Teen Universe contestants, and Saint Trump funeral hats for sale, and floats with kids in cages, and Tiki Torches, lots of Tiki Torches. I bet he wants a monument, too; bigger than what Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington got, a huyuuge Trump monument, gold letters! Go ahead, Donnie make our day. Future Americans will go out of their way to walk their dogs there.