Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSee, Donnie, there are witches, and not just the ones that have been caught so far. But, this witch, the one in tonight's meme, is a good witch. She's a witch that not only has the country's best interests at heart but yours as well. If you only had the mental capacity to realize it.Come on Donnie, even with your severe mental illness, you surely must know that the time has come for you to resign. Lincoln said "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time" and that thing has peaked for you, more than peaked.It peaked long ago and has been sliding down ever since. Are your delusions fooling you? You act so guilty. You act like the cornered rat that you are. No need to call others rats.You will never have a better time to make a deal, leave, and drag your giant cellulite farm of an ass and your mail-order bride back to your laughingly tacky Trump Tower abode in NYC. If you're lucky, maybe you can cut a deal that will allow you to still play golf wearing an ankle monitor that will keep you from fleeing to Russia.You've always claimed that you make the best deals. You even had Tony Schwartzwrite a book under your name called The Art Of The Deal or was it steal? Have you ever read "your" book?It's only going to get worse for you and, the worse it gets, the worse any deal you can make to stay out of jail, avoid impeachment, avoid forced removal from the White House, avoid asset forfeiture, avoid a trial for treason and all those things that those who believe in justice would like to see, will end up being. I know you're counting on a free pass like Nixon got. He got the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card and even walked with his pension intact. In his case, even the investigation of his crimes was part of the cover-up. Like I always say, Washington takes care of its own and obviously your whole party is doing that for you already. But, can Washington protect you forever? Look how bad the last 10 days have been, and the way it looks now, one day you'll be looking back on the dog days of August 2018 as the good old days!So listen to the message of the good witch Donnie. She's risked violating the airspace above the White House to deliver it. Maybe you should cut your coming losses, make a deal and get on with the rest of your ridiculous life as a con artist supreme. There will still be plenty of suckers out there for you. Personally, I would prefer to see you impeached, removed, tried, and hung along with all of your crime family and co-conspirators in Congress and the media. I know such a righteous thing will never happen, true justice is rare, but, it's sure looking like something is going to happen and it's not something you're going to like. Keep in mind that your co-conspirators like Ryan, McConnell and their troops of treason puppets like Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, and Devin Nunes would probably like you to leave before you take them all with you. What if that tipping point comes and it's too late for you? What happens if rats like that jump ship? Same with your staff? Your lawyer and your accountant are already singing. You've lost your guy at the National Enquirer. What about when you cabinet members get immunity? Think of the things your White House aides have seen and heard. Can you be sure that Omarosa is the only one who has taped the goings on in the White House? Can the shredders get everything? Who made copies? You think Pence is going to save your ass? He may be your version of Agnew, or worse!If you really are a master of the art of the deal, then you already know that the best deal you will ever be able to make is the one you can make right now, today. Don't pass go.