Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahBody language! Just look at this creep. Ready to lunge, tiny paws forward, ready to grab. "When you're a star, they let you do it." You know that's exactly what Senor Trumpanzee was thinking as he was being interviewed by Ainsley "We defeated communist Japan" Earhardt of FOX & Fiends at the White House last week. Earhardt is a protege of Sean Insanity. He saw something in her. She hails from South Carolina, the state best known for firing the first shot of the Civil War and still fighting to keep it going, a bipedal pestilence named Lindsey Graham, and the "and, uh the Iraq, and everywhere such as" Miss Teen U.S.A. contestant who wouldn't be able to find Earth on a world map.You look at Ainsley Earhardt and you have to wonder if even such a dim bulb as her, somewhere in the recesses of her relatively unused brain, was thinking to herself that it's just not worth it. Nah, she thinks she's a genius reporter, that she's made the big time, and that she slogged through weeks, even several months being a mindless local S.C. happy-face news twit to get where she is, talking to the biggest con artist in the universe in the rose garden. They're made for each other; as even the roses scream quietly to make it stop!This isn't Edward R. Morrow and Dwight David Eisenhower. This isn't even Walter Cronkite and JFK. This is a two bit reptilian don of a crime family and a dumb-dumb walking blonde joke of a wannabe moll with a note pad that makes whatever Sarah Palin wrote on her hands look like a Shakespearean sonnet by comparison. This is America's horrific state of affairs in 2018.