Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahToday's meme is a "special" gem. It's total FOX "News" Channel bullcrap. I was in elementary school in the 1950s. We never had one iota of "firearms safety" instruction. No one I've talked to since FOX "News" spewed out this insane lie 4 years ago ever experienced such instruction in the classroom, regardless of what part of the country they were from. In my little conservative Republican town, we didn't even receive such instruction after a local 7-year-old tragically got his dad's gun out of a safe and shot and killed a 6-year-old playmate in the family living room, right in front of his other playmates, including the victim's sister. We did get the old "duck and cover" to protect us from atomic bombs though. Brilliant. The only firearms instruction I ever personally received was as a teen at summer camp and on weekends when I competed in target shooting, as an NRA member by the way. Maybe in a very few places around the country kids got proper instruction in their schools but such a thing was in no way, not even close, "standard curriculum" as FOX "News" would have us believe. But, that's GOP-TV for you.That FOX "News" has always existed to warp perceptions of reality is a known despicable fact of this nation's history. After all, it's creator, Roger Ailes called it GOP-TV when he first presented the idea of FOX "News" to Richard Nixon. It was designed to mimic TASS and Pravda, the old Soviet state news operations (propaganda operations) that would tell the world, with a straight face, gems like Russia invented baseball and that those living in East Germany were much happier than those living in West Germany due to the glorious successes that communism had brought to East Germany. In fact, they often said, things were so good in East Germany that they had to build a wall to keep the rest of the world out. I was reminded of this in 2012 when, during his campaign, republican Mitt Romney visited a Chinese factory and stated that conditions for the all but completely enslaved workers were so good that the wall around the factory was to keep the onslaught of people who wanted to also work there, under the same miserable conditions, out. FOX "News" reported Romney's statement as truth. Why wouldn't they? -GOP-TV.So now we have Rudy Giuliani literally spitting and drooling out his nightly lunatic ravings to the applause of brainwashed lunatics across America, cheered on, in fact, employed by the biggest raving lunatic of all, the big orange freak who wants to be president for life, all with the support of seemingly his entirely subversive Republican Party who, to a man and woman alike, run to the FOX "News" microphones at every opportunity that presents itself. Gotta reach those lunatic voters! -GOP-TV."Truth Isn't Real." That's the motto of GOP-TV. It's the opposite of "The Truth Will Set You Free" aka the motto of the CIA, adapted from the words of Jesus as stated in the Bible (Book of John) when he spoke of the power of learning, understanding and knowledge. So, it's no wonder that FOX "News" attacks the intelligence community in the service of Russia and any other enemy of America 24 hours a day. Hell, why not, FOX "News" attacks the very concept of intelligence period. And to think that Republicans will throw their own twisted version of the Bible at you at the drop of a hat, just like any Muslim terrorist would do with the Koran, such irony! FOX "News" will even attack the science that brings the airwaves of their bullshit into American homes. -GOP-TV."What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." "Alternative facts." -GOP-TV.Remember your George Orwell: "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -GOP-TV.