Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSpace Force. The whole thing is so adolescent. It's the stuff of cheesy 1950s sci-fi afternoon TV shows. The kind, like those old Flash Gordon serials where you can actually see the strings that make the rocketships "fly" across the black and white TV screen. Space Force. It's a phony as Trump himself. I bet you Trump read the book depicted above. His childlike mind liked the combo of Nazis and girls in spike heals, and a scam was born right along with new fantasies of sex with porn stars in SS uniforms.Why Space Force? The Pentagon already has it covered. Do we need a sixth branch of the military charging us $18,000 for a wrench? Obviously, it's a new Trump scam to sell hats and shirts. Within one hour of Mike "Guys Who Like Men Get The Dial Set To Ten" Pence making his wacko speech about the need to create Space Force, the Trump-Pence campaign sent a mass email out (I'm on the list) asking recipients to vote on one of six possible Space Force logos. All six choices were, let's just say, not very artful. Any 8 year old child could have come up with six better, more creative and impactful choices. But, this is the Trump Administration we're talking about. You can imagine them all sitting on the floor of the oval office playing with little space toys and convincing themselves that they know a lot about Space, just like Trump thinking that his year in his military prep school meant that he'd served in our military.Space Force. The future sale of Space Force clothing was announced in the same email. The whole thing makes one want to scream, but, we might as well be in Space, the place where no one can hear that scream.Space Force. Are you sick of the term yet? Are you ready to change one letter in the name? Does Space Farce seem more appropriate to you yet? Space Farce. Not long ago, there was a clip making the rounds that had typical ignoramus Trump supporters being asked what they thought of Space Force. Those being asked had no idea what it was but they liked it 'cause, well, it's Trump's idea. They like the sound of it. It sounds, what, forceful? You could tell the same people that Bigfoot is a Trump supporter and they would nod in agreement, telling you that they've always known that.Now there are clips where Trump supporters are telling us that Space Force is needed because NASA is "the government" but Trump will "have his own people" in Space Force and they'll "tell us the truths about what's out there" that NASA keeps hidden. Of course it does. It's run by Obama, or is it run by Hillary out of the basement of a Maryland pizza shop that has no basement? Space Force. These are the same people that think the moon landing was faked. They saw it on "The X-Files." And Alex Jones corroborated it. Space Force. It's about the space between your ears.By the way, I found something on the internet that works better as a logo for Trump's dream. It's just more accurate. You'll see it at the end of this post. Meanwhile, I hear that Mars needs women, so let's help Kellyanne, Sarah, Melania, Ivanka, Laura Ingraham, Roseanne Barr, Hope Hicks and the rest get there. I'm pretty sure at least one of them came from there in the first place. Talkin' 'bout you Kellyanne!