Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhite Nationalist broadcaster Laura Ingraham is quite a gal in Republican World. Just last Wednesday, as if to express solidarity with Sunday's "Unite The Right" white supremacy march in Washington, or even to outright promote it, she once again went full bigot on the airwaves of the FOX "News" channel. We shouldn't be surprised, of course. That's why she's there. She presents the message Rupert Murdoch and his family pay her to present on their GOP-TV channel.The words she spoke in her vomitous spew were not just the words in tonight's meme. A full reading of the transcript reveals that, among other things, she claimed the the "America that we know and love doesn't exist anymore" because of the "demographic changes" she mentioned. That statement points to the fact that she and her Trump-supporting brethren have zero understanding of or regard for what the great American experiment is supposed to be about. We've had demographic changes since even before we became a country. That's always brought us new energy, new ideas, and, yes, a cheap, exploitable work force. It's all, good and bad, lead to things that have made the country our founding fathers envisioned. It's not a perfect country, but it's not going back to 1947 either, no matter how much people of Ingraham's despicable ilk want it to. Lunch counters are for everybody, Laura.Ingraham's hate isn't for decent, secure, well-adjusted human beings. It's meant for FOX viewers. No doubt, her remarks were well received in the White House, in the offices of Republican Congresspersons and Senators, and by her FOX "News" colleagues. You can imagine the supportive text messages she must have received. One of her biggest fans, the KKK's ex-Grand Wizard David Duke cheered her with the the kind of praise she was seeking as he tweeted that her comments were "One of the most important (truthful) monologues in the history of MSM." Ingraham then made an insincere and pathetic attempt to distance herself from Duke, probably when she realized that she might lose even more sponsors than she'd already lost after attacking the Parkland, Florida high school students when they decided to act for a better world, although I think we can guess what kind of people sit on the boards of any corporations that advertise on any FOX "News" program at this point.The photo for tonight's meme was snapped as she threw a Hitler salute to a huge monitor picture of her "der fuehrer" on the stage at the 2016 Republican convention. As a little gift for Ingraham, I have included a German version (google translation) of tonight's meme, since I can bet that when she says things like she said on Wednesday, she imagines herself on the stage at the Nuremburg rallies of the 1930s in Germany.