Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIn addition to the above, Paul Ryan's House crew, in a further attempt to obstruct justice and merge our country with their beloved Russia, have now filed impeachment papers against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in their effort to subvert and obstruct the Mueller Investigation. Treason is as treason does is the new motto of the Republican Party, or, is it One Nation Under Putin?Few in the media will call this like it is. They tell us that it's just a small handful of Repug congresscretins who are doing this. They'll even quote Speaker Ryan insincerely implying that he kind of thinks the idea of obstructing Comrade Trump is wrong. Really? Ya think? But the bottom line is that, once again, The words coming out of Ryan's diseased hellpit of a mouth mean nothing and only his actions do. It is his actions that reveal his betrayal of his country, if he ever considered America his country. It's Ryan who encourages people like Jim Jordan, Trey (for traitor) Gowdy, and even more obvious Russian agents like Devin Nunes and Dana Rohrabacher to do their worst for our country. It is the entire Republican Party who voted their approval of the subversive treacheries listed in tonight's meme. Meanwhile, the rest of Washington just stands by; tacit approval all around.If America and its voting public were sane, these people would be living in cages in GITMO or Leavenworth for the rest of their days; cages much smaller than the ones we place kidnapped children in. Instead, we send these people to Washington, where they can do the most harm.