Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIn case you missed it, the most disgusting man in the world has brought another of his "Best People" onto his staff. He really knows how to pick 'em. Bill Shine inflicted us with 24 hour, round the clock propagandistic vomit designed to shred the idea of America once and for all. He's perfect for the job of destroying America. Every single person he hired at FOX "News" to broadcast his brand of filth into our homes is a modern day Tokyo Rose.Bill Shine comes with his own fleas. He will, of course, will feel right at home with the other loathsome miscreants that have moved into the White House and turned it into a clogged, gag-inducing, rat-infested raw sewage culvert. Likewise, I'm sure that those already running and skittering around the corridors have welcomed him with open paws. I can't wait to hear Sarah Huckabee Sanders sing his praises.Find out where this guy eats and call the health inspectors.