Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahC'mon, you know you'd love to put your fist through this thieving jackass's face! I know I would, and that would be just the start of it. After all, true justice can come in many forms. If only we didn't have those stupid, burdensome regulations that get in the way of me being the instrument of karma! Besides, Eddie Munster should sue the hell out of Paul Ryan for stealing his face and ruining his reputation.While the horror of what Señor Trumpanzee is doing to thousands of children, their parents, and our nation's reputation gets the lion's share of our attention, we must not forget that other Washington evil-doers are working to screw as many Americas as possible for fun and profit. Speaker Ryan is a case in point. As a child, he lived off his father's Social Security survivor benefits. They even helped him pay his way through school. Too bad they can't buy you a soul.