Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhen "The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Great American Assholeness" is written, Paul Ryan will not be on the cover. That will, no doubt, disappoint him greatly. Paul Ryan has obviously dedicated his entire life to being the biggest asshole in America but he will just have to add not being America's #1 Asshole to his long lifetime list of failures.Washington, is, of course, a long-running Asshole Contest. Paul Ryan can take some consolation in that he will at least get some prominent positioning in the encyclopedia. His 2018 Tax Scam efforts, his desire to damage the health of as many Americans as possible, his pro-pollution efforts, his efforts to keep wages low if not lower than ever, his dream world where the middle class is completely destroyed and all but the 1% have to work 3 jobs not just to make ends meet but to survive... all of these things that Ryan will be known for when the history of this era is written are a worthy attempt but they just fall short.Just two weeks ago, Ryan, a model pretend Christian, fired the House Chaplain. Apparently, Ryan didn't like one of Chaplain Patrick Conroy's prayers because it expressed American ideals of economic fairness and justice. Nice try, Ryan. Rev. Conroy has some American values and lives them. You don't. You never have. We know that makes you happy, so settle for that.