Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs every sane person knows, if Obama was for it, the Psycho Party is against it. Cases in point: 1) What became known as Obamacare had its roots in a plan devised by the conservative Heritage Society, and, later, Romneycare. It was even supported by Newt Gingrich. And, then, Obama adopted it and the rest was history. 2) And, let's not forget: Obama talking to dictators: bad. Trump talking to dictators: great! 3) And, how about: Obama plays golf because he's a lazy black dude. Trump plays golf because he's an industrious white guy. Just ask FOX "News."It goes on and on. Personally, I don't think we need to totally get rid of the 2nd Amendment. A twisted interpretation is the problem, plus the mechanism exists wherein it could be re-written or edited if the political will was there. That's a very, very big if, so, maybe the idea that tonight's meme facetiously attributes to Joe Biden is the way to go with the gun regulating issue. The way Republicans are, this approach could be used for all sorts of things. Want cleaner drinking water? Just tell them Obama had a super-secret plan to dump even more toxic chemicals in every stream and lake in the land. He did talk about "clean coal," you know. If this kind of thing works, we could even tell Republicans that Obama wanted to make all abortions illegal and hates gay people.