Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt figures that Señor Trumpanzee would name John Bolton as his National Security Advisor. It's all part of the madman's plan to destroy not just America and every aspect of our lives, but, possibly, the entire world. In a reality where a Manchurian president appoints a foreclosure king as Secretary of The Treasury, a total racist as the Head of the Department of Justice, a Secretary of Education hell bent on destroying the very idea of education, and an Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency hell bent on destroying even the water that we drink and the air that we breath, let alone leading a corporate strategy of providing cancer for every American. So, of course, it follows that Trumpanzee would want a National Security Advisor that sees dropping the big one as the answer to all of humanity's problems. No only that, but John Bolton comes direct form FOX "News!" Who I ask you, who, could be a better choice? Welcome to the Bizarro World of Doom!Than again, maybe its that weirdo gray porno mustache. That's it. That's why Trumpanzee wants him. Probably even calls him Johnny Womb Broom. That's the ticket. They probably even watch Stormy Daniels flicks together. I bet they also listen to the great Randy Newman's "Political Science," taking it seriously, of course. Ah, those Repugs. No sense of irony, ever.