Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhile Trumpanzee looks at Stormy and thinks "mommy, mommy, mommy," I bet Stormy Daniels scares the zombie-eyed bejesus out of Pence and he goes running for the wife-chaperone-beard he calls "mother." No, I don't think Pence would ever have any sexual designs on Stormy, far, far from it but I bet Stormy causes a lot of confusion and fear in Pence's obviously conflicted and underdeveloped mind. It's enough for a man to reach out to Jack Daniels and Mr. Xanax.One thing the Stormy Daniels affair doesn't incite in Pence, though, is a need to say or do something, and therein lies his all too typical Christian hypocrisy. It's clear by now that Pence's weasel lust for power trumps (pun unavoidable) any alleged and unlikely revulsion he may have about his boss's behavior. Pence is clearly willing to follow his Devil's message and put his alleged Christian faith aside because he longs, above all, to be president. His ethics and morality had a price, a low one at that. But, this is not surprising. The stated beliefs of today's Christians have nothing to do with the reality of what today's Christians are about. As always, it's about power, greed, hate, money, and all the trappings. That goes, of course, for any professed Christian that voted for the Trump/Pence ticket and goes triple for any so-called Christian who would do it all over again.