Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe problems of rampant greed and psychopathy that Robert Reich has expressed in tonight's meme have certainly existed throughout the history of humankind. That, of course, includes our country, especially during the robber baron period of the later 19th century. This disease has never gone away, but the likes of those in charge right this moment, from Jamie Dimon down to lesser corporate scum like Martin Shkreli and, on the political front, Señor Trumpanzee, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Chuck Schumer, just to name a few, will always do their best to keep the disease alive. That's especially easy to do when you pull the levers of the most powerful country on the planet.Unfortunately, the disease grew so virulent that the arrival of Donald Trump as President was inevitable. The cancer that Robert Reich implies has metastasized and now grown exponentially. Trump is as good of a symptom, cause, and result of that as we get to see. The only questions now are: How much chemo, radiation, and surgery do we have to bear until we, as a country and as individuals, are healthy again? And, how bad will it get until this country either rejects the tumors or throws in the towel and dies?