Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahA few days ago, non-Republicans celebrated International Women's Day (Wednesday, March 8th). I think it's reasonable to assume that most Republicans ignored the day. Hey, call me cynical, but I have a feeling that Oklahoma state Representative Justin Humphrey's attitude were pretty typical of Republicans everywhere on Wednesday, just as they are on any other day.If you're like me, you look at the Republican Party and the things that come out of republican mouths and ask, "Where do they find these people." Well, the truth is that people like this assclown just naturally gravitate to the Republican Party. It's who they are and he knows he will fit right in. It's quite a club. Not only that but Humphrey comes from the most Republican state in the union, or should I just say country, since Republicans find the word 'union' objectionable.Still, it's worth noting that 53% of white female voters voted for Señor Trumpanzee and close to that would probably do so again. It's readily apparent that the attitudes of the Misogynist-In-Chief are just fine and dandy with them. Hell, at this point they'd probably line up outside the gates at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to get their free, complimentary black eye. After all, you have to assume that if you're a woman who enjoys being denigrated down to being called nothing but a "host," you don't mind being called a punching bag either. You can rationalize anything, and they pretty much already have.