Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahRepublicans are a strange bunch of people, freakishly so. In the bizarro fantasy world of fear and hate that they choose to live in, they pep eachother up with mantras such as Ronald Reagan's "Government is the problem" and their chants about "getting the government off our backs." They moan and bitch on and on about lower taxes yet they want "The Wall," paved roads and a "military second to none," doubly second to none, in fact. Senator Rafael "Ted" Cruz of Texas, aka, our biggest nut state, got heaps of Republican praise and trust and built a primary campaign around statements like:

Government is not the answer. You are not doing anyone a favor by creating dependency, destroying individual responsibility.

Cruz is a nexus of the hypocrisy of Republican thought, but every Republican is. Cruz has called for the abolishing of the IRS, the entity that gathers money for federal government spending. Yet, among so many other things that our federal government pays for, he wants $150 Billion of our taxpayer money sent to his state for recovery from Hurricane Harvey. Both things sound great to Texans right now, at least the Republican ones. Some might call this a sign of acute schizophrenia.As I write this, an even bigger storm than Harvey is bearing down on American citizens, so let me be facetious and ask what should we do? Should we tell the Coast Guard to stay in and not rescue anyone? Should we even decide not to spend our money on warning systems? Hell, who needs weather satellites? Things were so much better back when no one even knew the storm was coming! Who needs a power grid anyway? Why have it? Why repair it if Irma destroys it. Turn off the cameras! Nothing to see here!Another Republican mantra is the one about being self-reliant. Should we watch Irma and just tell the victims they're on the own, no FEMA, no National Guard for you! I'm sure the catastrophic damage Irma will cause is nothing a good church fair flea market and bake sale can't handle, right Republicans? Pull up your boot straps! Better pull 'em up real high! Hey, you can even melt down some Robert E. Lee statues and sell the metal for scrap.