Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahTrumpy the Clown is unhappy. It seems that, during his pre-stock market dive State Of The Union address last week, the needle on the little Praise-o-Meter that he keeps in his pocket barely went to 50 percent.As is the usual response when a president (for argument's sake, let's call Little Trumpy a president for this post) gives the SOTU, half the audience applauds the president's every word, while the other half, the one that disagrees with the president's approaches to the nation's problems, does not. When both parties do like something the president says, they both applaud. That's part of being a democracy, something our demented buffoon of a president knows nothing about and wants nothing to do with.So, there we were on Moday, a week later, and Trumpy the Clown goes to Cincinnati for one of his weirdo rallies to regale the crowd with tales of how great the economy is doing, even though, as he speaks, the stock market is shedding points faster than a tree in a tornado. What concerned Trumpy the Clown the most that afternoon in Cincinnati? No, not the market that he's always taken credit for. Instead, what concerned the sad, demented buffoon was that "the Democrats" didn't applaud. To him, that meant they were un-American. It even meant that those who weren't applauding his every word must be treasonous. To bad that not only doesn't fit the definition of treason, it also, once again, shows his complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution, particularly in this case, the very first amendment. Yeah, dictators and totalitarians never like that free speech thing.Now, just because Trump is a clown and a buffoon, and just because he clearly has something wrong in his brain, doesn't mean we should only laugh and not take this as seriously as it should be taken. To this point, it's obvious, that virtually no one in Washington is taking the danger of the existence of this man as president seriously. But, history has been afflicted with similar extreme narcissistic behavior and it has never ended pretty. When it goes unchecked, it only gets more dangerous and that is what's happening now. We know what happens to people who don't applaud Kim Jong-un. We know what happened to people who didn't make a nice big show ofapplauding Saddam Hussein.Josef Stalin was probably the worst of all. When he spoke before the Politburo (Russia's version of Congress), he had people watching the audience to see, not just who wasn't applauding his utterances, but he wanted to know if some people might not be applauding in enough of an enthusiastic manner. He also wanted to know who might have been the first person to stop applauding. The result was that the audience would applaud for minutes at a time, until he signaled that he was satisfied and they should stop; stop so he could get to his next point and repeat the cycle. This is exactly where Trumpy the Clown is headed. And, you can bet that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and all the buffoons at Fox will praise him for it.