Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahIn the world of journalism and politics, there is a thing we all know as "The Friday Night News Dump." In the remote chance that you are unfamiliar with the term, Friday evening is the time that our vermin in Washington think that the highest number of Americans are pre-occupied with things other than news reports and are therefore more likely to not be paying close attention to the headlines. This past Friday, our grossly mentally ill president took quite a news dump on America indeed. He not only pardoned the convicted sadistic, psychopathic Ex-Sheriff Arpaio, but his KKK headquarters at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., announced that one of his top white supremacy nazis, Sebastian Gorka had left the building. Oh, and he also announced the details of his ban on our transgender citizens serving in the armed forces. Señor Trumpanzee not only did all of this under cover of it being Friday night, he figured he'd be extra sneaky and slithery and do it right as a catastrophic category 4 hurricane bore down on Texas and took over the airwaves. Friday night was a great moment for Washington's ingrained cynicism and the contempt the president holds for the country, its constitution and its citizens. Who says the man has accomplished nothing?So there you have it. Patriotic transgender people who wish to serve are to be forbidden to serve. It's a Republican dream come true, but to them, it's also a consolation prize. You know they'd rather not only have transgender folks banned but also have all gay people banned from the military; every, single, one. They've made that clear in the past. In previous eras, the same kind of sick conservative minds also sought to stop women and people of African heritage from being allowed to serve. It all begs the question, how far will the fascists go with their concepts of banishment?There's also another question: Who will replace the 10,000 or so transgender soldiers and sailors? May I suggest we start with Señor Trumpanzee's children? We know they like to shoot things. How about some Republican congresspersons? Can we set up a recruitment table at the capitol building? How about all those Trumpies who like to play dress up in faux military garb and carry around their penis substitutes wherever they go, be it the local Walmart or the local pro-nazi protest? Hey, you love Robert E. Lee? Be half the soldier he was. Here's your big chance.One thing's for sure, any transgender American would be more qualified to serve in our military, and as President of the United States than the Assclown-in-Chief we have right now for that matter, assuming that they were natural-born citizens and 36 years old or older, of course.