Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahWell, now that the horrid Alabama Senate race is over (more or less), and the Republican Party won't have its chosen wunderkind to swear in, it will be back to scary, sicko business as usual for the still Republican-controlled, McConnell-run Senate. The above cartoon got the election result wrong but it sure nailed everything else. And, now that Missy McConnell has announced that Doug Jones won't be sworn in just yet and the state of Alabama will drag its heals on certifying the election, that means that it will still be Republican incumbent Luther Strange casting a vote for whatever Trump's Repug Party wants and not Democrat Doug Jones. After all, they still want to ram their evil Tax Scam down our throats and start pocketing the money they'll get from their benefactors for that.The Untied States Senate is still infested with 52 Republicans. That means that, when it comes to voting on the final version of the Tax Scam, 3 of them will have to vote with the Democrats and independents Angus King and Bernie Sanders on the side of decency and morality is this country isn't to go down the path of destruction. Who are those 3 who will step up, resist the pressure, and put country over party? Corker? He did it last time. Who else? 2 more. Who? Collins? Remember when McCain ran for president using the slogan "Country First? Flake? Who, if any of the 52, will find the guts to be real Americans? Who will decide that they don't want to go down in history as being living, breathing piles of shit?Time to put the pressure on like never before.