Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah

They were founded in ignorance. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion, The people cannot be all, and always, well informed.-Thomsas Jefferson, on the revolutionary war against the tyranny of England

I look at our psychotic president in a straitjacket and it fills me with a bit of relief but it's not enough. It's too easy now to see him as a symbol for this whole country that he's so eager to tear apart with his statements and incitements. It's not enough to make up for his desire to plunge us, supporters and non-supporters alike, into this darkness. I've seen the interviews of Republicans outside their mini-Nuremberg Trump rallies. The shit (courtesy of the likes of Sean Hannity and the other Tokyo Roses) these idiots and fools believe is astounding. Once you add in the vote tallies (whether Biden ends up on top or not) you can easily see those rallies getting bigger and bigger, just like their car caravans, until we see them as large as Hitler's original Nuremberg rallies. These Trump boat parades and Trump car caravans of grossly dumbed down zombies that we see are a near perfect equivalent of those rows and rows of goose stepping German soldiers. I doubt that we'll ever get to the Nuremberg Trials stage in my lifetime but this mess is going to grow and grow unless it implodes of its own weight like a red star which first expands and torches everything in its path. Certainly, the rest of America doesn't appear to have the stomach to do anything about this tyranny of the idiots. Idiocracy indeed. The Jefferson quote above about needing a revolution every 20 every years or so is apt? Well, a lot of "20 years" have come and gone. What we did in 1776 appears to have been a one off. Trump, McConnell and the rest are dead set on poisoning the tree of liberty to death. We're gonna need millions of straitjackets. Sadly, we'll need them both for the Trump cultists and we who are left to be driven crazy by their Dear Leader. If Trump ends up losing his home in our house, his cult will still be here, walking among us, aliens that they are. The straitjacket might as well become the official national uniform. Even if by some miracle, Donnie Psycho disappears into prison or escapes to parts known or unknown, his cult will still be here and his surrogate, Moscow Mitch will still be around as will the others. Even if Trump is gone, FOX "News" and their kind will still be laying the groundwork for a Fourth Reich. A LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OK, enough of being morose, for now: I remember those old black and white pics of Harry Houdini hanging upside down suspended by a crane in a straitjacket 60-70 stories above the pavement or an icy river and I know that, if we could do that with Trump, my heart would be filled with joy! My heart would sing! I think the ghosts of the Founding Fathers, even with their shortcomings, would concur. Would it be cruel and unusual punishment? Not a bit. Just like Houdini, Trump would have the opportunity to escape. That's fair, no? It still wouldn't be the full punishment he deserves, though. It wouldn't be enough. I'd love to see him hanging from that crane on a 40mph windy polar vortex kind of day in February. Watch him swinging in the gale, you know. Back and forth. Back and forth. Round and round! Like a fat orange tether ball! Above the city. So high up, no one can hear you scream, Donnie! Swirl and spin baby swirl and spin! Here comes another gust! In reality, we can't put all of Trump's voters in straitjackets, nice as that would be, but we can at least start at the top. So what about all of his staff and other close enablers? Straitjacket for Moscow Mitch! Put him at the head of the line! Straitjacket for Stephen Miller! Kellyanne! Sarah Huckabbe Sanders in a straitjacket? Make one out of those early 1950s tablecloths she wears as dresses! Looking nice Sarah! Looking real nice! Twitch those wacky eyebrows for us Sarah! Lindsey Graham? No, he might like a straitjacket, probably already has a few, for parties. Devin Nunes in a straitjacket! Give him a nice trial and then hang him for treason in one. Tucker in a straitjacket? Yeah, and I'll throw in the matching white hood for free. My gift to you Tucker Tiki Torch. My gift to you! Your old one was getting too ratty anyway. Rudy in a straitjacket, covered in his own sweat and spit! Try to tuck that in, Rudy! But what about Trump's kids? Yeah, what about those children of the damned? Oh, just stuff them all in a giant burlap bag. The crane can hold it. Their combined weight is about the same as dad, no problem. And on down the line! We could even have a pay per view crane cam! At this point, maybe you think I forgot Mike Pence. I didn't. He Who Attracts Flies already has a straitjacket. He calls it "Mother."