Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah A week ago, I posted about a Republican nuthouse in Pennsylvania. Here's one from the apparent American Taliban stronghold of the 83rd District of North Carolina. This home just screams Proud Boy Clubhouse! By my count, I see 8 Confederate flags, each one a little waving monument to treason, placed next to Old Glory along the curb. More treason-loving pro-slavery heritage Confederate flags appear elsewhere on the lawn and on the house. I'm surprised there isn't a lawn jockey or two and you have to assume that these homeowners at least thought better of displaying swastika flags and decided to be a bit coy by just putting out all of those modern day equivalent blue Trump flags. The pro-white supremacy/pro-homicidal police flag mounted on the upper left of the house is a nice touch. It's the flag Trump's "very fine people" carried with their tiki-torches in Charlottesville. Solidarity. Despite any bogus oh so cute statements about the "original" meaning of the flag, the black and blue flag is a desecration of the real American flag and has come to symbolize the classic Republican "Us vs. 'Others'" mentality, especially when combined with all of those Confederate and blue Trump Nazi 2020 flags. The message of the display is clear. It's as obvious as can be, even more so when you see the signs for the 83rd District's NC Assembly goon Larry G. Pittman, a so-called Christian "pastor" who supports the right of North Carolina to secede from the United States, supports legislation to outlaw marriage equality, and compares Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler, ironic since you would think such a man adored Hitler and prayed for his return on some sort of day of glorious Nazi rapture. Pittman has also called those who protested the wanton police murder of George Flyod "thugs" and "vermin" who should be shot by police if they resist being swept off the streets and arrested or worse. No doubt, he fully represents the feelings of those who live in his district every bit as much as the arrogantly repugnant display shown above.