Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah This billboard has gone up in Colorado, North Carolina and Pennsylvania today. While I appreciate the message and I think it is helpful, it saddens me that it implies that President Super Spreader would even want to protect us or his family and staff. After all, he is an obvious psychopath who has repeatedly endangered the health of those he comes in contact with and wishes ill health upon us all. That is exemplified by his fighting health care in the courts at any time let alone in the midst of a deadly pandemic, his ridiculing of those who wear masks, and perhaps most of all, his push for a "herd immunity" policy (or has his demented brain calls it "Herd Mentality") that could easily result in 2,000,000 or more dead Americans while his buddy Putin applauds. On Thursday, he even went an extra mile to demonstrate his insanity at a nationally televised town hall when he told America that 85% of those who wear masks get COVID. He even did it twice for extra emphasis! The White House is clearly a group home for homicidal maniacs. Meanwhile, the billboard seen below is available for viewing and applause in several locations in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, just south of Pittsburgh and bordering them hills o' West Virginny. This is Trumpland, folks. Might as well be Alabama or the White House compound at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I can understand not liking Joe Biden but not knowing how to spell dementia, a thing a Republican should be so familiar with? Well, isn't that special! MAGA! MAGA! Just who's brain isn't working right?