Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Donald J. Biohazard just had to hold another one of his patented Super-Spreader events to proudly present the latest Republican manifestation of their anti-health care, anti-women, and anti-voting rights stances. He couldn't help himself. He couldn't miss an opportunity to expose people, even those who support him, to a life threatening virus. Since then, the number of attendees who are testing positive for COVID-19 is growing by the day. but, that was nowhere near enough for the Dear Leader of the Republican Death Cult! He did his little joyride. He did his pathetic and defiant Evita impersonation from the White House balcony (See Thursday's Midnight Meme) and he demanded that Congress halt all discussions about any COVID-19 aid bills that would save families, jobs, businesses, and lives. No, instead, while he and his Death Cult Party are pushing an effort before the Supreme Court that is meant to end Obamacare and remove health care from at least 25 million Americans, he wants the $enate to work on nothing but confirming his Back Alley Amy so she can vote against Obamacare, overturn Roe Vs. Wade, and steal the election and make his dream of being "President For Life" come true. No, he doesn't see any irony in that title. The Coathanger Lady's Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings are still scheduled to begin on Monday, even with Death Cult committee members Thom Tillis (North Carolina) and Mike Lee (Utah) having tested positive, As of this writing, they expect to be out of quarantine in time; maybe in time to infect some of the over 80 years old $enators on the committee like Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Diane Feinstein (California), and Patrick Leahy (Vermont). Can the sale of blood red MAGA coathangers on the Trump and Republican merch sites be far behind? It's who they are.