Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe idiot wind blows strong with Tiffany Trump. She is the least known of the Donald Trump Demon Spawn. In fact, until this year's Republican Con-Vention, some of us thought maybe she was some sort of aberration in the Trump family. You know, like maybe she was some kind of maybe semi- decent, at least relatively normal person, perhaps flawed like all of us, but not an evil mess like all the rest of Trump's fetid offspring. Some assumed that that was why we never heard from her. We thought maybe the Trumps found her embarrassing somehow. We had heard that daddy didn't think she was as attractive as Ivanka and that maybe, in his sick mind, that was enough to keep Tifanny hiden. If that's true, you know her father would have tried to turn her into one of those kids that gets kept in an attic closet if he could. Personally, I think Tiffany looks fine and, let's face it, when it comes to the Trump kids, if you want unappealing to anyone but those who get off on the freakish, there's Eric. And, by the way, Ivanka, the apple of daddy's little penis, will always look to me like something soulless, sculpted out of plexiglass, and polished up to a nice shine.But, alas, as tonight's meme shows, Tiffany Trump opened her yap three weeks ago and sounded like just another in the line of seemingly inbred Trumps right down to the blatant, in your face, lying. Her daddy runs from everything he lacks the moral or mental capacity to handle. He bribed a quack doctor into diagnosing phantom bone spurs to avoid fighting a war in Viet Nam and more recently, lied his way out of fighting a war against what he himself called a plague. On Monday, he ran away from a serious discussion about climate change by smugly saying "Science doesn't know."Tiffany has now gone away again, back in her box, but the evidence presented in tonight's meme is all you really need (as if you even needed that). The family appears to be a nightmarish cult within an even bigger nightmarish cult; kinda like a set of Russian dolls each one a little smaller than the previous one, but just the same otherwise. Tiffany's lying RNC message to America was perversely and appropriately like Nikita Khrushchev's claim that the Russians invented baseball. It's even more so in light of the continuous, right up to the minute, disdain that her father shows for our military people, and probably to her as well, behind her back. Given what we now know from Mary Trump, the somewhat black sheep of the extended Trump family, even money says Tiffany was told to whore herself out and say what she said or be disowned and cut out of her daddy's will. Or, was she just doing what she really thought she should do. That may be even worse. Dear Tiffany, how would you feel if, by some just and righteous miracle, your daddy's assets were all seized either before or upon his death? Would you set the story right? Would you be a lying Trump to the last? Or, would you run away, make some appointments with Ivanka's plastic surgeon, or Melania's, change your name, and head for the hills. Would you even know how to feed yourself?