Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Flor-i-duh Pastor Rick Wiles is living proof that the insane walk free among us. Not only that, but, too often, they have radio shows and large numbers of followers, self-proclaimed "Christian" followers in this case. Wiles is one of those all too common "Christian" evangelical Republican types. It's hard to even look at him without seeing a MAGA propeller beanie on his head and a swastika armband on each arm. This is who they are.The quote in tonight's meme is just a portion of his (O)bama bullets statement. I couldn't fit it all on the meme so here's the whole damn thing. He is earnestly addressing fellow Flor-i-duh wacko, former North Carolina congresscretin and current Trump Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows:

Mr. Meadows, please tell President Trump that he is now in possession of the 'bama bullets. Two billion 'bama bullets. You're in possession of them now. You got the 'bama bullets and you can put down the resurrection. I mean the insurrection. You can put it down. You have the 'bama bullets in your hands and you don't have to tolerate this anymore. They were purchased for the purpose of putting down an insurrection. Well, you got one. So put the hollow point bullets to good use and get out there and put down this communist insurrection so the rest of us could live our lives peacefully.

As you no doubt noted, Wiles is a nutjob conspiracy theorist just like any Republican. If you just went by his words, you might think you were reading the transcript of a Sean Hannity show. The 'bama bullets nuttery refers to a commonly heard repug conspiracy that President Obama was buying up all of the bullets so that those who believe in "2nd Amendment" solutions to their various problems, mental, physical, and otherwise, wouldn't be able to lock and load. This would almost be funny except that Trump and his staff give great credence to everything this nut has to say. Trump even gave him his own White House press credentials. As we creep closer and closer to a Trumpian Republican-style Tiananmen Square incident, keep this in mind.