Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs you can see, I've decided to use an excellent anti-Trump/Pence TV ad as tonight's "meme." It's brought to us by a group calling itself Republican Voters Against Trump but I think it's important to point out that, although a small percentage of Republicans may be against Trump and may even realize that he is a danger to us all, they are still Republicans. They nominated him and eagerly voted for him knowing full well what he is and they had no problem with any of it, not his misogyny, not his virulent racism, not his sleaze, and certainly not the blatantly obvious mental illness that he displayed at his nightly televised rallies for all of us to see. He is who he is, they knew what he is, and their votes put him where he is. None of what Trump is and what Republican voters endorsed with their votes is un-Republican. Trump is simply the ultimate manifestation of what it is to be a Republican. They may have wanted Jeb Bush or any of a number of other leading Republican goons but that doesn't mean Jeb Bush isn't also a racist asshole. Jeb's actions in extreme voter suppression of African-American voters in his time as governor of Florida offers plenty of evidence about that. John "That one" McCain and Mitt "Free Stuff" Romney all showed their racism with their code-speak and the policy outlines in their campaigns. Moscow Mitch? Marco Rubio? Jim Jordan? Susan Collins? Trey Gowdy? Lindsey Graham? Devin Nunes? They and all the other Republicans in the House and Senate showed us where they really stand. They are all Republicans and they all voted to keep Trump, the light of their lives, right where he is. Being a little less of a sociopath or psychopath shouldn't get them off the hook.Progressives have more than enough enemies among democrats but try naming a single Republican off the top of your head who didn't vote for the Trump-Ryan tax scam, or, against health care repeatedly, more than 50, count 'em, 50 times in numerous cases when it comes to the latter! Try finding a Republican that doesn't want to end Social Security and Medicare (A lot of Dems are bad enough on that issue). Try finding a Republican who doesn't continuously vote for pollution, against a woman's right to choose and against African-Americans having the opportunity to vote, and so on. I've yet to see a chorus of Republicans taking their guy to task for the way he's handling the response to COVID-19. The conservatives who walk among us continue to choose the virus over the citizenry just like they chose an increase of carcinogens and lead in our water. I could go on but you know what Republicans are.There is no end to the number of Republicans who will now operate for years under the cover of not being Trump as if that is good enough. The enemy of our enemy is not always our friend even if they are temporarily an expedient ally. Our WW2 alliance with Stalin is a good example of that.