Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMy! What an assortment of goons! So many of Trump's Pro-fa goons in one bigly photo collage! What more could a Republikook want? Autographs?Tonight's meme is in honor of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, the highly influential and ground-breaking album which was released this month in 1967 by The Beatles, much to the consternation of people just like those shown who had just spent the previous year publicly burning the legendary band's albums and inhaling the melting PVC. Talkin' 'bout you Kellyanne!It figures that Cadet Bone Spurs would spell "Sargent" incorrectly on his album cover. After all, Traitor Don has so little familiarity with military things. But, I notice that he had no problem spelling "Corrupt" at all.