Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:It doesn't get any more sacrilegious than the Devil steamrolling a crowd of peaceful protesters in a fit of state sanctioned violence just so he could walk to a historic church, stand outside, and wave a bible in our faces. Think of what kind of mind will order mounted police to use their horses to push through that crowd of peaceful protesters, including clergy, and have teargas and rubber bullets used on them as well, just so he can stand in front of a church while holding a bible as a prop for a photo-op that his party now applauds. Yet this is the man that the republican Christian devil worshippers adore. It's interesting that he wouldn't actually go into the church, isn't it? He already seemed so uncomfortable about even holding a bible, you might have thought he was afraid the bible would turn him into a pillar of flame, salt, or more appropriate in this case, a pillar of fly-covered excrement; for that is the only purpose this particular devil should have on Earth, a stinking place for flies to lay their eggs.Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the the Episcopal Diocese of Washington had this to say about Trump's antics at St. John's Episcopal Church:

I am outraged. The President just used a bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and one of the churches of my diocese without permission, as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our churches stand for. He sanctioned the use of teargas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence."

Well, of course he has, Bishop. Trump is a psychopath. His wacked-out White House staff of cult followers was even gloating and high-fiving about their devil using a bible for a photo-op. They are literally calling it an "Iconic Moment." This is how far gone into Trump's world of insanity they are. The worship of violence, death and, mayhem is what Trump and his administration are all about and all for, whether it's healthcare, environmental issues, viruses, or the Constitutional right to peacefully assemble in a park and churchyard. We've seen that in every step of the way when it comes to the Trump presidency.Beware of false prophets.