The MH17/MH370 Fiasco Continues: Important Documentary From Russia Today Answers Some Questions...

I have been reading in the Jew spew media and even from several alternative media sites the last few days about the continuing saga of the MH17 = MH370 Malaysian shoot down over Ukraine back in early July of this year.... It is remarkable that to this date, some 4 + months after that obvious shoot down of that Boeing 777ER aircraft, with some 298 victims on board, over eastern Ukraine that was definitely a false flag operation to be blamed on Russia. The US Government, and their lackeys in the Ukrainian government, continue to try to cover up the event and are still thwarting independent investigation into exactly what happened that fateful day.... We all know by now that the US does not want the world to see that this was definitely a false flag operation that has blown up in their faces!Right now, I want to present an excellent documentary made by Russia Today that exposes some truths about the shoot down of Malaysian flight MH17 and shows hard evidence that it was done by the Ukrainian military using fighter aircraft..... The documentary is entitled: "MH17: The Untold Story" and I have it right here in its entirety for everyone to view for themselves.... I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Yes, there are many unanswered questions from this Russia Today report... One glaring omission is the fact that the initial responders to the crash site reported that the bodies pulled from the wreckage smelled to high heaven, meaning they were already dead long before the actual shoot down took place... This leads myself and others to the link between MH17 and MH370 that I have reported in previous posts...There is still the argument about the actual fighter aircraft used for this operation by the Ukrainian air force... It is a fact that the "reports" from Google and Wikipedia about the maximum altitude of Su25 fighters did change mysteriously from 10,000+ meters to "7,000" as this report shows, which tends to the argument that figure was purposely changed before this event to cover up the evidence that an Su25 or two actually shot down the aircraft.... Consider who controls both Google and Wikipedia for a moment......One piece of information that I did pick up on from this report is the fact that the Ukrainian military has constantly been hurdling large artillery shells at the crash site.... I would assume that this is obviously to continue to prevent the truth from coming out about this aircraft by preventing investigators from combing over the evidence on the ground, as well as attempts to destroy the evidence on the ground of the false flag, before the truth surfaces....Yes, the US Government has been caught in this failed false flag and they have been working since July in vain attempts to not only bury and cover up the evidence, but are still continuing to use the Jew spew media to promote the lie that this shoot down was done by Russia...The US is so desperate for a war against Russia to save their economic asses that events such as this one will continue until people actually use critical thinking and put an end to this madness.. More to comeNTS