The MH17 False Flag Attack: Videos Blow Holes In Official Story And US Attempts To Vilify Russia

I usually do not read the Jew spew media so called newspapers simply because I see them as pure garbage and propaganda... However, due to my want to keep up with sports events, I do subscribe to the local Sun Media garbage "newspaper" here in Central Canada.... I usually avoid all the so called "headlines" and turn only to the Sports section....However, just the other day I caught a glimpse of one headline in the main front section of that rag, that I had to take a closer look at... It was in regards to the release of that Dutch Investigative report on the MH17 false flag fiasco from over a year ago... In the first paragraph of the newspaper report, the writer of the report said that there was now "clear evidence" that Russia shot down the aircraft!  I found it astounding and was so angered that I instinctively said out loud "bull shit"... I and others know full well that the so called "media" around the planet is selling this lie that "Russia did it" under orders from their Jewish controllers and yes their newspapers are promoting that bullshit propaganda to brainwash their readers.... And yes, these criminals are indeed wanting Russia vilified for the continuing propaganda of "the evil Russians" to sell the public into the idea that eventually we must go to war to end the "Russian menace".....Jody, who writes the blog: "What They Don't Tell You" at, just released an interesting article over at her blog that contains two very interesting videos from a researcher out of Australia that goes by the name "Peekay".... Many who read my own articles are well aware of Peekay due to his massive exposures of the fraud "shootings" in America and the fraud "Boston Bombing" false flag attack.... And right here, right now, I want to present two of his latest videos that show proof that the MH17 fiasco was indeed a "false flag" incident for the sole purpose of the vilification of the Russian Federation... Here are those two videos for all of my own readers to view for themselves, and of course my own follow up thoughts and comments...NTS Notes: I want to thank Jody for finding these videos... They go along way in supporting the truth as I have said for well over a year as to how MH17=MH370! I have already sent a comment to Peekay's first video saying that he is on the right track when it comes to the notion that the wreckage of the MH17 crash was actually the wreckage of the long lost MH370 flight that "disappeared" some 4 months before the ill fated MH17 flight....I must again point out the obvious here... Peekay again is on the right path with this.... The MH17 flight was actually the final flight of the robotically controlled MH370 aircraft, loaded with the corpses from the MH370 flight, sent purposely over the Ukrainian skies to be blown out of the sky by a Ukrainian fighter jet....The bodies that Peekay does point out from the video are most probably indeed crisis actors, but he misses the point that immediately after the crash when the first Rebels responded to the crash site, many reported that there was a distinct smell and rot to the bodies pulled from the wreckage meaning that they were already long dead!  That clearly shows that the actual bodies that were pulled out of MH17 were indeed the long dead corpses from the MH370 flight that were reloaded onto the robotically controlled aircraft to be disposed of when that flight was planned to be blown out of the sky over Ukraine....Yes, the unscathed passports pulled out of the "wreckage" and used for the videos are a dead giveaway that the MH17 flight was indeed a set up and another false flag attack.... And as Peekay points out, if there were 38 Australians on board that "ill fated" flight MH17, nobody has ever heard of them or the "victim's families" to this date, which is astounding but makes sense if it was all a sham...And about that recent Dutch report... The findings have never shown any evidence of Russian involvement in the MH17 fiasco... But of course the criminals in the US, and the liars in the Jew spew media, are still running around falsely proclaiming "Russia did it" to the very gullible masses... It is time for people to wake the hell up and see the real truth about MH17=MH370 for themselves...More to comeNTS