A Message from Sibel Edmonds: Why Newsbud

Thomas Jefferson put it simply and eloquently: An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy.
A core function of media is to act as the public’s independent watchdog- to keep governments, businesses and other agenda-driven organizations in check. Yet, today, our media is owned and ruled by these very same entities- Mega corporations and billionaire-funded organizations.
When billionaires and mega corporations own and rule the media you get what They pay for: Lapdog Journalism.
When you back your media you get what You pay for: Watchdog Journalism- Guarding Your right to know.
*Please come, join and support our goal of a one-hundred-percent people-funded media. Don’t wait. Make a pledge today- because it is not only a pledge; it’s a statement.

Listen to the full audio version here:
