A Message To Americans: Our Country Betrayed Us!

I continue to watch the reports concerning the ever changing situation in Iraq and the push for war by the maniacs in the United States and that psychotic state of Israel against the innocent nation of Iran....It especially troubles me when I open a local so called "newspaper" or turn on the Talmudvision and see nothing but BIASED propaganda pushing the war agenda and doing everything to vilify Iran.... Freedom of the press is definitely dead in this nation as all I see are "editorials" or "comments" doing everything to sway public opinion that Iran is somehow the victim in all this and that nation "must be destroyed"!It is why I turn to the alternative media for some real truths and some common sense in all this rush to war... And in that regard, I want to turn to a brand new article that comes from John Kaminski, through his website at www.johnkaminski.org... This essay absolutely tells it like it is and is entitled: "Our Country Betrayed Us"... I have that article right here for my own readers to view for themselves, and of course I have as I usually always do, have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Our country betrayed us

 Published: Monday, 06 January 2020 21:41

And still they try to tell us their lies are really the truthA rattled U.S. president repeatedly violates his oath of office by betraying the hopes for peace of the American people in order to please his Israeli masters, who have America in their total grip and now have made new laws preventing investigation of their numerous and continuing crimes.To lure a foreign leader to a diplomatic meeting for the purpose of murdering him is a new low in American history. What can only be described as the repulsive historical U.S. record of war crimes — from Hiroshima to Fallujah — all these wars, not for freedom and justice, but for the criminal pursuit of bloody profits by the billionaire few.America’s reputation is in the gutter. The U.S. never honored any treaty it made with the Native Americans it dispossessed by force and slaughtered for sport, and it has never honored any treaty it made with any foreign country that could defend itself, which nowadays are precious few.And the U.S. cannot be trusted now, as the government is run by a daytime TV marionette show masquerading as U.S. Congress, sponsored exclusively by Jewish interests. Presidents are now appointed by billionaire casino owners and legislatures are filled with long-term Congressmen-turned-jetsetters, some of whom literally have blood in their teeth.The country has been destroyed by predatory Jewish lenders. The U.S. government has always been at war with the world and the enemy of all the people in it.With all our thoughts dominated by Big Media heroes who are paid to say what other people think, very few listeners are able to maintain the mental discipline to reliably discern the lies underlying every fact these popular broadcasters insist is true.The No. 1 lie that most people believe is that the USA is a free country and people may say and believe anything they want. Try talking about the Jews and watch everybody run away and hide.Our path to freedom involves talking candidly about Jewish criminality.No. 2 is that the government is on your side. The government murders truth tellers: just ask Seth Rich and his bullet in the back or Julian Assange and his permanent incarceration with no charges. Just ask the mothers whose children have been murdered by vaccines or reduced to feeble minded paraplegics by following their doctor’s orders.The major method used to deceive the populace and convince that good is evil and vice versa evil is good are of course the major media, which have been influenced if not owned outright by members of the same nefarious group since the beginning of the 20th century.They have not only bought all of the world’s newspapers since they own all of the world’s advertisers, but they have also acquired all of the world’s universities because they fund all of the world’s research. In addition, they have purchased all of the world’s religions (many of which they have created themselves) through their disingenuous efforts at ecumenism.But perhaps worst of all they have allowed us to believe we are the good guys when when viewed in the eyes of the world — or in the eyes of God — we have been exactly the opposite, consumed by our addictions and compulsions, we have without a second thought turned the world into a bloody trash heap.It is our karma, then, to live in this landfill, to learn to scurry like the cockroach, and to have nothing further to say about heaven or our dreams.If we leave things as they are . . .With all of the false flags and falsehoods uttered by the leaders of the U.S. government since the turn of the last century, intelligent Americans — if any remain — should know by now that the main force for evil in the world is the United States military and the soulless bureaucrats who order it to murder innocent people.From start to finish, this American madness that threatens to consume the world is a Jewish production.NTS Notes: Yes, John once again tries to open the eyes of so many gullible Americans to the truth that they are being manipulated like sheep into supporting a war against Iran that is based on nothing but lies...And I agree with John about the the luring of Iranian General Soleimani to a false "diplomatic meeting" in Iraq just to have him murdered is absolutely the most disgusting thing the US could have done and indeed shows how low that once free nation has stooped to.... And it is all being done of course for criminal Jewish interests..The fact is that America is now a shadow of its "former greatness" (If it ever had any..) and is now nothing more than a poodle and slave to criminal Jews who are willing to sacrifice thousands if not millions of American lives just to attain their dominion over the entire Middle East.... And the slaves in the American government are willing to use the American public who were stupid enough to put them into office as cannon fodder for that sickening goal...Americans do need to wake up and wake up NOW!  America is absolutely NOT the "good guys" as so many American citizens have been brainwashed from birth to believe in falsely.... As John states, America is now the second most evil nation on planet Earth (behind the sickness of Israel of course..) and the rest of the world knows it....Americans have to also wake up to the reality that if and when the Jewish pricks do pull the plug and allow their nation to collapse, the rest of the world will remember the evil deeds of their nation and will NOT come to their rescue.... As the criminal Jews have stated, when they are done with sucking the life out of America, it will indeed just 'blow away'....Wake up, America, and say NO WAR AGAINST IRAN FOR ISRAEL!More to comeNTS