In Memorandum: Rachel Corrie - The Girl With Dreams, Murdered By The Psychotic Israelis 12 Years Ago Today

So many things happening around the world right now.... Ukraine crisis still ongoing with the insane push by the US for a war with Russia... Our economies are a shambles and the insane Jewish banking criminals behind it are about to pull the plug on the whole mess and send every country's economy into a tailspin... And of course we have the fraud of ISIS and the constant lies by our governments and media that this fraud of "terrorism" is a threat to us all... It is indeed a real mess....Today, however, I want to start my reports with something that should absolutely not be overlooked.... For today marks the 12th anniversary of that horrible day in Rafah in the open air concentration camp known as Gaza when a young American "activist" named Rachel Corrie was murdered by a ruthless Israeli Defense Force soldier driving an American taxpayer paid for Caterpillar Corporation armored bulldozer.... It is so sad that to this date, Rachel, and especially her surviving family, has no peace or any justice...For the criminal Israelis have refused to acknowledge their senseless murder of Rachel, and have refused any compensation to Rachel's family!For this article, I want to again present here a fabulous video that was produced years back, and again it is a must see by everyone... The video is entitled: "Rachel Corrie: The Girl With Dreams"... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: As I stated in my weekend rant, I am hoping that when the day comes when the Palestinian people do finally have their true freedom and the scourge of the Israeli occupation is finally ended, that they erect a statue or name a national holiday in respect of this brave young woman...I am also not surprised at all that the Jew spew media has always avoided any reports on Rachel Corrie, and has absolutely refused to acknowledge this being the anniversary of her senseless death... Again, what would you expect from liars and hypocrites anyways?I hope that everyone takes the time today to pay homage to this brave young woman... I for one will never forget her courage in the face of tremendous evil...More to comeNTS