"Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscientist/Charlatan": James Corbett

From Corbett Report

"Renowned scientist Paul Ehrlich has been in the public spotlight for half a century now. But there’s a question at the heart of the story of Ehrlich’s unlikely rise to prominence. A question that must be answered. Why is it that this entomologist has become such a superstar of science, received so many accolades and awards, and wielded such influence over the public conversation on population despite being so remarkably, consistently, staggeringly wrong about the issues he presumes to lecture the public on?"

Paul Erlich is an entimologist-  "Entomology is the study of insects"

"Most entomologists specialize in a particular type of insect."

 Erlich - a young American entomology professor at Stanford University, CaliforniaWrites the "Population bomb" kicking off the toxic ''green' agenda For Ehrlich, though, the critical scalding he received for The Population Bomb and the problematic timeline of its central prediction forces him frequently to revisit and defend his ideas. Except for some developing countries, the globe was not racked by food shortages through the 1970s because advances in farming and technology were able to sustain larger populations.

Does anyone, anyone at all, find it extremely odd that this entomologist puts forth the idea of the human population bomb?  Should we humans take a clue from that field of study?  Should we accept Erlich's insect authority as one that applies to us? An entomologist, concerned with insects, writing about human population? Is  he actually equating humanity to insects and implying we need to be stamped out like so many ants needing to be flattened?Is it an ideology, like the one espoused by Erlich,  when spread like wildfire that has turned humanity into a bunch of self loathing fools? Who believe they are worthless and contemptible?I think so.I want to redirect you all to the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity series, neglected, but not forgotten.