Media Obfuscation/Newspeak: Rabbi who OK's Gentile Rape & Race Baiting

All lives do matter! Since we're on the topic of race baitingCheck this headline:Israeli military appoints rabbi who appeared to permit rape

 "Karim later said he was not advocating rape, and the military said Tuesday that he denied ever saying that a "soldier is authorized to sexually harm a woman during war."

Of course the use of the word "appeared" is intended to obfuscate- As we know appearances can be deceiving- but just who is pushing a deception in this instance?Appeared: seem; give the impression of being.   I took the time to find the statement of this alleged holy man: 

In 2012, Karim’s controversy started when the Hebrew religious website KIPA, asked him, in the light of certain biblical passages, if IDF soldiers were permitted to commit rape during wartime despite the general understanding that such an act is widely considered repugnant.His answer enraged many Israelis.“Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties,” he wrote. “And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”In other words, soldiers can rape innocent women during times of war in order to keep their morale up.

 Wait just a minute Mint Press!  This horrid rabbi didn't say soldiers can rape just any innocent women- he said specifically they can rape GENTILE women. Or to use the Jewish venacular- (Shiksa)

 Shiksa is a Yiddish word that means "non-Jewish female." It's especially used for an attractive woman who could be a "temptation" to Jewish men.The people who use this word in conversation very rarely know its real meaning: abomination. And the people who know the meaning and use it for that meaning probably aren't the people you want to spend much time with. The two other translations I've found for shiksa are "impure" and "object of loathing." It is not only pejorative, it is intended to be offensive and cruel.

 And that's what the alleged holy man was talking about- He specifically stated it is ok to rape gentile women! That's appalling. (social justice warriors???) Just think of this man in any type of leadership position at all. Anywhere. Why is the media lying to cover for a man who is obviously monstrous? A perfect example of how some very hateful statements are obfuscated, depending on your status as most favoured or least favoured persons. The life of gentile women matters!And speaking of selective media coverage- AlwaysAnd selective social injustice warriors- AlwaysAll Lives Matter: Is not wrongheaded. Or racist. All lives do indeed matter.

 Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words

The media is promoting more divide as they push yet another  double speak campaign  with the intent of race baiting- If only 'black lives matter' then all others do not.That is the promotion of race wars.Look at the coverage regarding how bad it is to say "All Lives Matter"?- MSM and fake alternatives.. Time: Enough Already With ‘All Lives Matter’ & Ottawa Citizen   & VoxIncluding coverage of some absurd apology from Ian Astbury Cult singer Ian Astbury apologises after telling festival crowd: 'All lives matter'

  “It ain’t a race thing, it’s a people thing.” The phrase that caused offence, though, was: “All lives matter.”

Which Astbury was chastised for, by some social injustice warrior who used yet another race baiting term "white privilege" "White privilege" is race baiting

Race baiting ‎ The act of using racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.

Which is exactly what was done to Ian Astbury- racially derisive language was employed to intimidate or coerce him into apologizing... Hope no readers here are buying into this because everyone is being baited- Every 'identity' group is being baited.  Everyone. And no good can come of this. I find this frightening.

Newspeak: speech or writing that uses words in a way that changes their meaning especially to persuade people to think a certain way

 I'm going to end with a letter from the Courier Journal that I quite liked

I understand the premises – Black lives Matter.  No one should be singled out just because of his or her race or ethnic background. We as a society need to move forward and quit profiling folks who don’t fit our idea of the perfect citizen.

But consider this. It doesn't matter if you are red, yellow, black or white; a babe in the womb or an elderly person in a nursing home; rich or poor; famous or in prison; if it’s Black Lives or Blue Lives -- we are all precious in His sight.  Life is a gift to all, and ALL lives matter in God’s sight.  He loves us, and sent His Son to die for us because life matters to Him.We sometimes grow weary trying to fight too many battles  Some aren't ours to fight in the first place. But this is not a carnal battle, as we would expect, it’s a spiritual one. Oh, if we could just learn to let go, and allow God to fight it His way. He’ll fight this battle in a just manner. He knows what He is doing.So love without dissimulation, because all lives matter.Encourage one another, because all lives matter.Continue in prayer for all people, because all lives matter.And remember, this is God’s battle. Life is His gift to give, NOT ours to take!