Maybe Rush's listeners don't care about picking up their poochy-poop anyways?

Daily Kos's ProgLegs notes: "Dog Doody Duty's rates depend on frequency of service and number of dogs.  They do offer a flat fee of $50 for a one time visit, but indicate that certain jobs may result in additional charges. So how much would it cost to remove El Rushbo?"by Ken"You can't make this stuff up," Daily Kos's ProgLegs began a diary yesterday called "Rush Limbaugh Can't Even Keep Dog Turd Removal Ads on his Right Wing Clown Show." What you can't make up here is the news that the giant gasbag has been dumped by an advertiser promoting doggie-poop pickup services:As ProgLegs reports:

Need evidence of just how far Limbaugh's stock had fallen?  When notified by Flush Rush that their ad was running on the Rush Limbaugh Show, Dog Doody Duty immediately pulled the plug:
I just called Clear Channel and had them remove my ads from his show starting tomorrow. Thanks again for making me aware of this since I specifically asked them not to run my ad during his show.

Dog Doody was the 3096th company to request ads not air on the Rush Limbaugh Show since March, 2012.

"2 years of constant pressure by online activists," says ProgLegs, "has decimated Limbaugh's once proud advertising potential."

Ad breaks that used to be dominated by household names like Sony, Office Max, and JC Penney now contain ads for Social Security scams, herbal boner pills, and shady land deals. Oh, and dog poop collectors.

Now it's also true that political talk radio -- which we know means mostly right-wing Hate Talk Radio -- has generally become a growing turnoff for advertisers, many of whom have decided they don't need the hassle of controversy. Whatever the cause, though, it's heartening to think that the world's biggest gasbag isn't puncture-proof. In the past, the loyalty of his patsies listeners has made him irresistible to advertisers, and that made him if anything more salable when he was under attack from Commies and hippies and other leftists.Who knows? Maybe one of these days we'll see Rush wandering the streets wearing a sign that says:It couldn't happen to a more deserving slug.#