Matthew Buckley: How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains & Health of Everyone- Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

An excellent interview- Mathew Buckley is discussing the toxic glysophate in Round Up and Round Up Ready crops and the horrific toll it takes on human healthFor specific background to this interview you may want to refresh your memory with this CMH post

Glyphosate Herbicides & Transgenic Food Partners are both Toxic & Endocrine Disrupting in humans

 In common terms that's Round up and Round up ready genetically modified frankenfoods!

 Much thanks to Radio 3/14  and Red Ice Radio for this excellent audio

" We’ll discuss how all disease begins in the gut. The gut serves as approximately 70% of the immune system. It plays a significant role in not only our immune function, but also to our mental/emotional status according to a great deal of scientific research. Matthew explains how Monsanto’s product called Roundup contains a chemical called glyphosate, which is disrupting our microbiome. This disruption of our microbiome can result in an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, which triggers immune response, and this immune response would then trigger the brains immune cells, the microglia, to become overly active and degrade brain cells. He’ll describe this process, what amplifies it and what health consequences arise from it. Also, we address the issue of eating genetically modified organisms and the damage that arises from consuming them"

Website: Big Oil, the petrochemical industry & big pharma are like fingers on a hand- all connected and working together Be sure to check out the posts below!