Mark, We're BEGGING! DCCC Falls To New Lows

My friend Mark has been a very steady DCCC contributor, even though I've warned him about how corrupt they are and how they play grassroots donors for suckers while lining their own pockets and feathering their own nests. Mark doesn't give millions to the Democratic Party; but he does give hundreds-- and his best friend has given millions. This is the note Mark sent me today:

I'll leave you alone after this one but it's like reaching new heights of intimidation/harassment. I'll ask to be removed.I like the idea of being a part of the grass roots movement to defeat the cretinous Republicans but I suppose someone needs to come up with a better plan!

I reintroduced him to ActBlue with its ability to just support individual candidates directly without going through the DCCC which rakes off as much as half the contribution for their own purposes and will more often than not use the contributions to support fake Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the majority of Steve Israel's wretched recruits this year. Mark was mortified when I told him about DCCC candidates like Jennifer Garrison who are virulently anti-Choice, anti-LGBT, pro-fracking, pro-NRA and blithely using Republican Party talking points to campaign on. She may be Israel's worst choice this year, but there are far more recruits like her than there are recruits who you would recognize as an actual progressive Democrat you'd want to contribute to.This is the e-mail Mark said he found harassing and intimidating. I hope he complains to his best friend too and not just me.

We're out of people to email you.In the last two days, you should have received an email from:-- President Obama-- Vice President Biden-- Nancy PelosiThat's how important this is! We're getting massively outspent by Republican groups. And we're fighting desperately to turn it around.We need 14,731 more donations in the next 24 hours if we want any shot at giving President Obama a Democratic House for his final two years.
MARK Answered President Obama's call-to-action?We're begging you, Mark.Can you answer the President's call-to-action today?NO DONATION

24-HOUR DEADLINE: All Gifts Triple-Matched!

>>Chip in $5 immediately>>

Chip in $35 immediately>>

Chip in $50 immediately>>

Chip in $100 immediately>>

Chip in $250 immediately>>

Or click here to donate another amount.

This is what you call sucker-bait from beginning to end. Who's "triple-matching?" Even Steve Israel admits the Democrats have no chance whatsoever to take back the House in November, although he neglects to step up and accept any responsibility for the dismal condition the DCCC is in after running it (into the ground) for 4 years.At Blue America we try making a substantive, policy-driven case for why the candidates we've endorsed have earned support. Needless to say, there are no Jennifer Garrison types on our list. Yesterday we mentioned that when Alan Grayson offered an amendment that stopped the demilitarization of local police forces, Steve Israel was one of the Democratic "leaders" who opposed it. Only 62 Members of Congress backed Grayson but an inordinate number of them have been Blue America candidates over the years, like Grayson himself, of course, as well as Donna Edwards (D-MD), Judy Chu (D-CA), Matt Cartwright (D-PA), Beto O'Rourke (D-TX), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Mike Honda (D-CA), Rush Holt (D-NJ), Bruce Braley (D-IA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Jerry McNerney (D-CA) and John Tierney (D-MA).Among this cycles candidates, we're betting on progressive men and women like Paul Clements (D-MI), Gloria Bromell Tinubu (D-SC), Ted Lieu (D-CA), Pat Murphy (D-IA), Kelly Westlund (D-WI) and Bonnie Watson Coleman to be on Grayson's side after next January. Forget contributing to the crooks and scam-artists at the DCCC. If you want to help make the Congress more progressive, here's where you can do that directly.