Malaysian Flight MH370: The Flaperon Found On That Reunion Remote Island Is NOT From MH370, But Is Planted And Very Phoney Evidence!

OK, I have received several comments and a few emails the last few days asking me to take a look at all the evidence behind the flaperon "found" on that remote Reunion remote island in the south Indian Ocean, and the recent statement made by the Malaysian Prime Minister that the flaperon was "definitely" from the long missing flight MH370.....I stated before in my weekend rant that I was absolutely NOT sold on this being from MH370, and in fact the piece has been "planted" there purposely by the criminals involved in the theft of MH370 to try to silence all critics and end real investigations...First, I want to present some pictures here of that "flaperon" "found" on that remote Reunion Island for all to see, and I will diagnose what it shows right afterwards: OK, first of all, I am not sold on this being from MH370, and I will explain why...First, is it not troubling to everyone that this piece suddenly appears some 17 months AFTER the original disappearance date of MH370 way back in March, 2014?   WHY suddenly now has this piece "surfaced" on a remote Reunion island now and not anywhere sooner?Second, is it not troubling about the barnacles built up all over the flaperon?  I have read many reports over the last while that state that fact is a dead giveaway that this is a phony and definitely a "planted" piece due to the fact that barnacles would not survive if the piece floats in the ocean before beaching itself at the island.. The sun alone would destroy all barnacles exposed on the surface, as well as stones and rocks of the beach that this was found would have wiped the barnacles off.... For the barnacles to survive as shown in these pictures is impossible...Third, the fact that barnacles are all over the piece means the piece was sunk... It defies logic therefore that a sunk piece such as this suddenly rises to the surface of the Indian Ocean and floats all the way to Reunion some 3000+ miles away from its last reported location before its 'disappearance'....These facts alone should be enough to tell everyone that we are dealing with a piece that was "grown" with barnacles and then planted on this beach at Reunion... It is therefore not illogical to put the pieces together and discover that this was done purposely to try to get the real criminals "off the hook" and allow them to get away with murder! Yes, the Malaysian Prime Minister, Datak Seri Najib Razak, came on national Malaysian television just the other day to state that the flaperon was "definitely" from missing flight MH370.... And he did so in spite of international investigators still checking out the piece and not yet able to state themselves that the piece was genuinely from that long missing flight.... It was astounding and to me disturbing...And I wondered if someone had  finally got to the Malaysian PM and/or has paid him off to try to put the mystery of MH370 to bed....Well, lo and behold, it appears that the Malaysian PM was indeed bought off and the price was an astounding 1/2 BILLION dollars that was "mysteriously" planted into one of his private bank accounts...I want to present the link to an astounding article that shows the corruption of the Malaysian PM and how he was "bribed" into lying his ass off on national television by saying that this phony flaperon was definitely from MH370... Here is that link:, it appears that the criminality of the monsters responsible for the seizure of that Boeing 777 aircraft from the disappearance of MH370 knows no bounds.. These monsters have bought off the Malaysian PM with a crap load of money and have counted on his own personal greed and corruption to sell out the Malaysian people by this massive lie.... He also shows no regards for the 239 passengers and crew on that flight that were obviously murdered.....I am watching for more reports to come out by the Jew spew media claiming the flaperon found at Reunion to be from MH370.... I guarantee those liars and criminals will not wait long, for they are definitely in bed with the murderers responsible for the plane's disappearance....The sad story of Malaysian flight MH370 continues.....There is still no evidence out there that has swayed myself and others from the strong assertion that MH370 was used as the robotic plane that was shot down during the MH17 false flag fiasco.... Until someone shows otherwise, my stance stays firm...More to comeNTS