Major Vermont Hospital to Cut GMOs from Menu

Many have questioned whether hospitals are really conducive to healing since they serve pesticide-ridden GMOs to their patients as they recover from some of the same illnesses that GMOs create, but one medical center in Vermont which serves 2 million meals a year is preparing to reduce GMOs served to both patients and hospital visitors alike.
If you take a look at the slop pictured below, which is indicative of what many hospitals serve their patients, you’d likely nod in agreement – ‘of course no one gets better eating that!’
The food is not is nearly void of necessary nutrients while full of GM ingredients, which only adds to dietary issues. Since 90 percent of all healing is said to happen in the digestive system, according to Eastern wisdom, what is a hospital telling their patients when they serve such third-rate food?
The University of Vermont Medical Center serves 85 percent of its two million meals to non-patients, so though the hospitalized will benefit from this change, so will visitors and employees.

Related: Activism is Working – Major Company Rolls out with New GMO-Free Product
Diane Imrie, director of nutrition for the hospital said that a few years ago an interest in reducing the number of GMOs served was expressed.

“We don’t believe that the safety of those products has been proven,” Imrie said.

The medical center plans to reduce its GMO usage with two steps: first they will purchase more organic food, which by definition should be GMO free, and they will also seek GMO-free products that are labeled as such.
Noting how the hospital administration sees the hospital’s role as a leader in sourcing food, Imrie said.

“That’s part of the strategy. We’re seen as a role model. That’s part of our responsibility and we take that pretty seriously.”

More hospitals need to follow the footsteps of UVM Medical Center in increasing the amount of organic food offered while nixing food containing GM ingredients.
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Featured image credit: GLENN RUSSELL/FREE PRESS)

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