"Mad Men" Watch: If it works for advertising guys, why shouldn't it work for engineers?

DILBERT by Scott Adams Dilbert (gasp!) makes his move!by KenAs some of you may recall, at the time this post posts I'll be at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens, with as many other Mad Men fans as they can pack into the joint for a celebration culminating in watching tonight's series finale on the big screen. So tonight I thought I'd throw open the question, "Is Don Draper a phenomenon unique to the advertising business, or are there Don Drapers in all walks of life?And we start with Nerdworld. Here's Dilbert's claim to Draperdom. Picking up from the above:Generally the results of Don Draper's seductions are a good deal more clear-cut. But in Dilbert's defense, he doesn't seem to have unequivocally struck out. Or at least that's his story. (Would he know?)#