Louise Mensch is ‘clinically ill’ according to Julian Assange

Louise Mensch’s increasingly strange insane conspiracy theories about Russia have long been the butt of jokes from people with a serious view of the world.
She recently accused Julian Assange’s Wikileaks of having a direct line to Vladimir Putin.
Assange put that theory to rest in short order.
READ MORE: Queen of the Russophobes Louise Mensch is slapped down by Julian Assange
Now, a self-described libertarian called Issac has written to Assange on Twitter asking for his opinion on the most Russophobic ex-junkie west of western Ukraine.
Assange’s response speaks for many.

Julian Assange just responded to my question on @LouiseMensch pic.twitter.com/mmnRvHG9kv
— Issac (@decryptable) May 4, 2017

The post Louise Mensch is ‘clinically ill’ according to Julian Assange appeared first on The Duran.
