Locked-Up Texas Hair Salon Owner Released from Jail – Business is Now Booming

Last week a hair salon owner from the Dallas, Texas area was sentenced to a week in jail for refusing to obey state lockdown orders to close her shop which the Governor deemed as a “nonessential business.” In this way, the government has been picking winners and losers in the lockdown lottery.

During her sentencing the Judge tried to demean her for showing no “remorse or regret” and for “flagrant and intentional” flouting of arbitrary lockdown rules, but she stood by her principles telling the court

“Sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision but I am not going to shut the salon.”

After serving her short sentence, Shelley Luther, owner of Salon a la Mode in Addison Dallas, has returned to work and is reporting that business has been booming ever since she returned to work.
“We have people traveling from across the United Sates to get a haircut just to prove a point that they support us. This really has, to me, given people that sense of liberty back,” said Luther.
Watch her recent interview:

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