LIONEL PODCAST: First Amendment Applies to Muhammad Cartoonists But Not “Conspiracy Theorists”

You made your point loud and clear, Pam. Got it. We understand completely. Let me see if I’ve got this straight.Muslims are radical, homicidal lunatics hellbent on killing anyone who so much as scribbles a picture of their beloved prophet. Check. They’re crazy and we have a First Amendment. With the world Muslim population in excess of 1.6 billion people, representing 23% of the global population, and all of them sworn, according to Islam expert Geller, to the destruction of anyone who dares to blaspheme their profit, only two shooters were dispatched to Garland to address this blasphemy convocation. Two. Count ‘em, two. This after ISIS claimed responsibility by identifying Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi as its agents. Now think about the math. If just 10% of the entire Muslim population were homicidal Islamo-fascists (an oxymoron of the first order) that would mean 160 million determined acolytes would be able to fan out worldwide wreaking havoc of monumental proportions — forest fires, trains derailed, every American mall and shopping center of note targeted, Las Vegas, AC, Disneys World and Land, bridges and tunnels demolished. And certainly this cartoon summit in that hotbed of Islamophobia, Garland TX, would certainly have been ground zero by a paltry faction of devout loons, but no. These two guys with FBI connections. Either homicidal Muslims are afraid of travel or just eschew Texas as a site of jihad or that maybe the Islamist threat is overblown and overdone, the story is replete with holes, don’t you think.
No, not that Elton. Oh, and it just so happens that Elton Simpson, the man identified as one of the two crazed gunmen dispatched by cops in Garland, TX on outside the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest, was under surveillance by the FBI and the subject of a terror investigation. Interesting isn’t it how the FBI always knows of or comes into contact with the bad guys before a tragic event. You know, if I didn’t know better … .
Did you know this? Court papers filed in Arizona reveal that the FBI “engaged” an informant, Mr. Daba Deng, a Kenyan, who knew Mr. Simpson from the mosque he attended. In 2007 Deng was instructed by the FBI to “become friends with Mr. Simpson and get to know him better by presenting himself as an individual who was new to Islam and who sought to learn more from Mr. Simpson.” Deng recorded conversations with Simpson during which they allegedly discussed jihad. Later Simpson was convicted of lying to federal agents about plans to travel to Africa where investigators said he planned to join a terror group. He was sentenced to three year probation.
The FBI always seems to know ahead of time. Various sources have long chronicled the amazing coincidence of the FBI in its involvement with terrorist events, at least, er, peripherally. Ahem.

FBI Behind Most Domestic Terror Plots

The FBI has arranged numerous fake terror plots, including the Washington Metro bombing plot, the New York subway plot, the plan to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, the plot to bomb the Portland Christmas tree lighting and others.
In 2014, Human Rights Watch released a report stating nearly all high-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States after 9/11 included the “direct involvement” of government agents and informants.
“In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act,” the report states.

So what’s the story with Pam? Well, let me put it to you this way. She’s amazing in what she’s establishing. She points out a very serious problem as to radicalization all the while purporting to draw them out through incitement and inducement, which is certainly her right. She reminds us that “those people” are subhuman and twisted, bent and brainwashed to kill through the contamination of hate that their dangerous religion apparently stands for. And it plays well when the narrative is another invasion and the globalist imperialist seizure of a resource-rich plot of rel estate that the ruling class wants for its newest portfolio acquisition. Countries, which by the by, happen to be Muslim. Coincidence? I think not. Geller fortifies the meme, she reinforces the concept that will lead to more American acceptance of attacking and invading ares of the globe that apparently contain these very dangerous people. The connection is beautiful. The ideas that are forged are unmistakable.
First Amendment?! That’s Geller’s schtick. We certainly have a First Amendment in the classic sense, i.e. a prohibition of governmental and state action directly limiting a course of speech and expression. True. But it’s the practical First Amendment that’s missing. Try discussing your considerable doubts with the official account of 9/11. Good luck. Or Obama’s origin of birth or — and I certainly don’t subscribe to this in the least — “revisionist” history, which, I submit, is exactly what history is. Tolstoy said history would be a wonderful thing if only it were true, and I agree. But our collective civilian fora and tribunals and conclaves will have absolutely nothing to do with your refutation of accepted doctrine. Try howling at anthropogenic causation models of climate change and global warming, especially with Cass Sunstein threatening to level your heretical discourse with a heaping helping of cognitive infiltration. You can’t make this up. Trust me, I’ve tried.
